Just a small town girl…

Just a small town girl…

Before I go on with my Journey reference, I should probably introduce myself.

Hi! I’m Deena. OutsidePR’s newest team member as of January 4th.

2018 brought a lot of change. Not only did I start a new job, but I also moved to San Francisco — A city I’ve been twice a tourist, but one I never thought I would call “home”. Moving to a new city isn’t always easy, and starting a new job can be nerve-racking as well, but the NorCal city-life transition has been far easier than I imagined.

Growing up in San Diego, I’m a Southern California girl to my core. My love for the beaches, mountains, desert (and not to mention Mexico), runs deep. Yes, I’m the person who is cold if it’s below 75 degrees, but no I never wore Uggs with shorts like San Diego girls have been stereotyped to do. Travel and adventure has always been a big part of who I am. After graduating college, I moved to Mammoth Mountain Ski Area where I learned how to survive in a colder climate and also fell in love with the action sports industry. I was fortunate enough to work in Mammoth’s marketing department for 6 years, with some of the top ski and snowboard athletes in the world, and the best endemic media, honing my skills as a publicist in the sports marketing landscape.

During my time at Mammoth, I was involved with Olympic qualifying events, USASA regional competitions, athlete photo shoots, surprise proposals at the top of the mountain, reporting live on Fox Sports for the Laker’s pre-game show, hurricane worthy snow storms that dump 10 feet of snow overnight, crisis communications crash courses, and so much more.

After Mammoth, I followed career opportunities (and fun) from Los Angeles to Australia and Hong Kong where I’ve had the privilege to experience a great deal of global markets (which I’ll happily expand upon in future blog posts. Read: www.the-sojourn.com). Spending a decade in the PR and marketing world has allowed me to pinpoint my passion for the sports industry specifically, both professionally and personally, opening the door as opportunity knocks.

Long story short, I’ve recently made my way from San Diego to San Francisco. Northern California was never somewhere I thought I’d end up. But I must admit, it’s exceeding all expectations.

The active lifestyle, the outdoor activities, the hustle, the energy, Napa within arms reach, epic hiking and camping sites, not to mention the hot brunch spots – I’m definitely in my element here.

Even though it’s been a few months in the bay area, I’m still getting my bearings: Attempting to master public transportation (yes, I asked someone at the bus stop, “Am I doing this right?”), casually observing what other women are wearing so I can learn how to properly layer for the ever changing weather, knowing how to talk to tech-centric people about creative elements of the sports/endurance industry, still figuring out how to layer, appreciating that brunch is a sport all on its own, accepting and looking away as everyone stares at my boyfriend as he sports his LA Dodger hat, and still trying to figure out how to use these damn furnaces in my apartment.

The thing I’m most excited for living in San Francisco is exploring the rural areas outside the city. Last June, I completed my first marathon and this year I’m looking to do my first Ultra… The trials of Marin are calling my name (Hey Deena!), as are the Redwoods.

I still have much to do in SF as a new local… Have you checked out MOCA yet? No. Been to Alcatraz? Not since I was 17 years old. How about the Exploratorium? Nope. Taken a local beer tour? Sadly no… I know, that’s a disgrace. Taken advantage of brunch? YOU KNOW IT!

Long story short, I’m embracing the NorCal lifestyle, but just don’t say “hella”.

And don’t stop believing.


An Outdoor Education


Whatever Happened to the Off Season?