An Outdoor Education

Hi there! The name’s McQuilkin… Will McQuilkin. I was hoping that might sound a little cooler than it just did, but I’ve always wanted to introduce myself like James Bond, and this felt like as good a time as any, given that I can’t see your reaction to my bad joke. Anyways, I’m the newest member of the OutsidePR team. At 24, I’m also the youngest, and therefore most millennial-minded staffer in the office. I’m not sure if that’s a good thing, but I like the idea of being thought of as a young buck, a go getter with an affinity for solving those technological problems Gordon just can’t figure out, if you will. But don’t let that fool you into thinking I handle all of our social media accounts… I only handle OPR’s Twitter at the moment. I haven’t gotten the keys to our shiny Instagram account, probably because I’d post too many selfies from my closet office featuring our ancient printer, which I’ve nicknamed “ the Brother Bother.”

Where was I? Oh, that’s right, introducing myself. Sorry, it’s that darn 140 character attention span we millennials are famous for.

I was born and raised in West Marin… way West. I hail from Woodacre, CA in the San Geronimo Valley. You might recognize the name because you drive through the Valley on your way to the beach, Samuel P. Taylor Park, and even Spirit Rock Meditation Center (while we’re on the subject, the speed limit on the way to Spirit Rock is 55… I know you’re all relaxed from meditating, but c’mon people, 45 mph on Sir Francis Drake is too slow; a little hustle won’t hurt). I grew up playing baseball at Warner Field, biking around the little hills that surround the Valley and backpacking in Yosemite whenever I got the chance. As a result, I have a deep love for the outdoors, and I’ve always pursued jobs that put me in close contact with the outdoor community. So, when Gordon’s wife, Ginny, put me in touch with OPR, I was excited about the opportunity. I gave Gordon a call, he told me to buzz off, and I did. Then I badgered him for six months, until a position opened up (good luck at your new gig, Josh!) and I weaseled my way into a job. It helped that I had a BA in Writing Styles, and Communication from Seattle University (‘Hawks Up!), but ultimately it was my undeniable charm that won my spot here at OPR.

As Account Coordinator, I have my hands in almost everything that OPR does. I handle clipping and tracking, mailing, customer service and, most importantly, company snacks! Jess loves English Breakfast tea (with milk… don’t forget the milk), Deena likes apples, Logan needs breakfast bars and Gordon doesn’t get far without his Fritos.

Amid my day to day chores, there’s a larger education going on. On quiet days, Gordon will march up to my office and ask that I recite the names of famous cyclists, reprimand me for referring to triathletes as “runners,” or note that I should stop trail running in my “Dad Shorts” and hop into a pair of Craft runners. I did, in fact, hop out of my sweat shorts (they used to be sweats, and I cut them into a pair of shorts about ten years ago) and into a pair of specially designed ones before a company run out on the coast. I must say, they were comfy… but I think I would have beat Gordon down the hill if I were wearing my trusty Dad Shorts… But the education is working. I’ve learned loads about the Outdoor Industry, and the finer points of running, cycling, skiing, hiking, etc. I’m no longer (an exceptionally athletic) one trick pony.

I’m hoping to flex my literary muscles more as I get used to my new job here, and I’m excited to learn from the people around me. I’m truly honored to call myself a member of the talented, funny, driven team here at OutsidePR. And if you’re a client reading this, your monthly media report is coming soon, I swear.

Will McQ


Ultra Running’s Young Guns


Just a small town girl…