How I Pitched This — Title Nine's Missy Park

I grew up 7 blocks away from Title Nine, the women-owned and led company - and didn’t even know the impact the brand and CEO had on women in sport and business. 

Upon starting at OutsidePR in June 2021, I thought Title Nine was like every other brand trying to find an “in” with women buyers. But after a couple of weeks, I quickly learned that it is so much more — that Title Nine CEO & Founder, Missy Park, is so much more. 

Creating apparel that gives women confidence on the playing field (and even the boardroom) since 1989, this is a brand that creates the standard for every women's sport and athleisure apparel company that we know and love today. 

When I met Missy for the first time at Title Nine HQ in Emeryville, CA (not realizing I had passed this red building thousands of times as a runner in Oakland, nor recognizing the inspiration it holds and brings to millions of women around the country), I quickly felt her energy and presence. She captivated every individual in the room without trying. She is a woman with intent, purpose, and goals – and will stop at nothing to accomplish them. 

After the meeting, I naturally wanted to introduce Missy to the media and see if I could land a feature story on the impact she has as a CEO, woman and creator. 

So I began the pitch-writing process. My first draft wasn’t up to the usual standards, so I let it breathe for a day or two before revising it. To my surprise, reworking it…worked! It was clear, and succinct (how every pitch should be). At this point, I thought, “Yes! I’m finally a PR expert.”  but as everyone knows, a pitch doesn’t mean anything until you can find a journalist to publish the story. And with a story like this, I had to rely on my “Media Crushes”, as my OPR colleagues call them, –  the people I have been following since I started in PR and who could highlight Missy in the best way possible.

I reached out to FORBES, ESPN, and TIME Magazine, but no bite. Not even an email telling me they received it. 

And after a year of being fully immersed in the outdoor industry, I knew not to take it personally; that Missy’s story is special and deserves to be heard; and timing is everything. 

I talked to a few close friends to see if they knew of anyone at the local news stations that would take on a story like Missy’s or do a quick highlight piece, and luckily they did. They reached out to a few people they knew and texted “fingers crossed”.  A week later, ABC7 News reached out and highlighted Missy Park and Title Nine in celebration of the Title IX Act of 1972!

Missy’s impact on women in sport and business is one for the record books. Take a look HERE!! 

If you’re a journalist reading this or know a journalist that would like to learn more about the Title Nine brand or connect with Missy Park and take on the honorable task of telling her story, PLEASE reach out! I keep my laptop close by during the weekday!  


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